
New Tiger Checklist

Welcome to the Family

Welcome New Tigers! We are so excited to welcome you into our family this upcoming semester! 

As you prepare to transition into our community, here are the next steps you will need to complete after we receive your deposit:

New Tiger Checklist

Test your access and regularly check your  important University webpages:

  • All Incoming students, First-Time Freshman and Transfer, will schedule an individual registration appointment. A professional Academic Advisor will meet with you, in-person or virtually, to register for classes. If you are unsure who your advisor is, please contact the Academic Advising Center.
  • Complete the required Student Agreement and User Profile Agreement. This will have to be done before each semester.

Academic Advising Center 
Holy Family Hall, Room 213

Log into your application portal to access the housing application

Residence Life 
reslife@madorders.com |
Campus Center, Room 214

All students are required to submit their final official high school and college transcripts. Official transcripts are those sent directly from the issuing institution. Final transcripts show grades in all coursework and graduation dates where applicable. Holy Family accepts official transcripts from most major third-party transcript servicers such as Parchment, the National Student Clearinghouse, Naviance, and SCOIR. Failure to submit official transcripts will result in a hold being placed on your account. Contact your admissions counselor with questions.

Holy Family accepts credits from the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board and from International Baccalaureate. AP scores are requested at http://apstudents.collegeboard.org/sending-scores. IB transcripts should be directed to:

Office of the Registrar – HFH 205
Holy Family University
9801 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19114-2009

Consult with your advisor on specifics of how AP & IB credits apply to your course planning.

  • Spring semester bills are due on December 15th
  • Speak to Student Accounts about using a Payment Plan option, and update proxy access (if needed)
  • For residential students, you must be cleared by Student Accounts before moving on campus

Student Accounts 
Holy Family Hall, Room 202

  • A Tiger Tag is your student ID card granting access to campus buildings and printing.
  • You will need to email a photo for your Tiger Tag to hfuid@madorders.com. This photo should be a headshot on a plain background without the use of filters.
  • Tiger Tags will be distributed at Orientation, or students can make a separate appointment to pick these up from the HFU IT Help Desk.
  • Register online for a Parking Permit and review University parking regulations
  • Parking permits can be picked up during Orientation if processed ahead of time, or at another time from Campus Security before the start of the semester.

Complete your Health Packet and return to Health Services before the start of the Spring Semester.

Health Services 
Stevenson Lane Residence Hall, Office 113D

Visit the University Bookstore website to order your course materials and for store hours.

The Bookstore offers print books to buy or rent, digital options, and a Price Match program. Scrubs, nursing necessities, and other school supplies are also available.

Residential students are required to have a meal plan. Selection of meal plans is done through the Residence Life application process.

Commuter students have the option to purchase a meal plan. Commuter students may purchase a meal plan through Student Accounts or Residence Life.

Download the LiveSafe app and receive security notifications via texts or emails

Public Safety 
Campus Center, First Floor

The Office of Accessibility Services provides housing, dietary and/or academic accommodations to otherwise qualified individuals with documented disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Students must self-identify to the Office of Accessibility Services to receive accommodations

The Office of Accessibility Services 