Holy Family University welcomes gifts to establish endowed funds to support its students and faculty. These funds can be used to award scholarships to deserving students, strengthen departments and programs, advance scholarship and research, and recognize outstanding faculty.

Endowed funds are a meaningful way to create a permanent legacy at Holy Family University for you, your family, or a loved one. Funds can also be named to honor or memorialize someone special to you.

Endowed funds are an investment in Holy Family University's future. The fund's principal is professionally invested and never spent. A portion of the investment earnings is used to make an annual distribution according to the wishes of the donor. Additional gifts can be made to increase the fund's principal, and thereby the annual distribution.

A minimum gift of $25,000 is required to establish an endowed fund, and can be payable over several years. For more information about Holy Family University's existing endowed funds or establishing a new fund, please contact Wendy Parsons, Vice President of Advancement at wparsons@madorders.com or 267-341-5008.

Current Endowed Funds

Below is a list of current endowed funds at Holy Family University. We are grateful for the foresight and generosity of the donors who established these funds.

Adele Smythe Leboy ’62 Scholarship for Women in Science

The scholarship was established in memory of Adele Smythe Leboy ’62, who majored in Chemistry, to encourage and assist women students whose academic achievement and commitment to careers in science indicate their ability to excel. It was established in 2006 by Adele’s husband, Edward Leboy, her business partner, Marcia Borysthen, colleagues, family, and friends and is awarded on the basis of academic merit and need.

Alumni Association Scholarship

Established in 1978 by the Holy Family Alumni Association, this endowed scholarship is awarded to the children of Holy Family graduates. The recipients are at least sophomore students, have a satisfactory scholastic record, and give evidence of financial need. It is not renewable. The selection of this award is governed by the Alumni Association and the Assistant Director for Alumni and Parent Relations.

Anthony J. and Mary Ann Szuszczewicz Merit Scholarship

The scholarship is awarded to a Holy Family undergraduate student on the basis of academic merit and all-round excellence, and a minimum grade point average of 3.5 is required. It is restricted to graduates of Nazareth Academy High School, the alma mater of Mary Ann. If there are no eligible graduates of Nazareth Academy, then preference is given to a promising student majoring in Nursing.

Class of 1968 Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need, and recognizes loyalty to the University and potential for success. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 is required. The scholarship may be awarded to the same recipient in subsequent years providing the recipient remains in good academic standing.

Edward J. Fitzgerald, Jr. and Anita L. Fitzgerald Memorial Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship will be awarded annually with the purpose of providing financial support to a student who embraces, practices, and exhibits the values of the Catholic Church. The scholarship will be awarded to the recipient beginning in their sophomore year, and will continue to be awarded in subsequent years provided they remain in good academic standing.

Family and Friends of Holy Family University Scholarship

Merit and financial need as well as a 2.5 or above grade point average are the basic requirements for students receiving this endowed scholarship. Additional criteria include service to others and involvement in campus activities and organizations, or volunteer work in the community, with special emphasis on leadership roles. An equally qualified candidate who is the son or daughter of an active member of the Family and Friends of Holy Family University will be given preferred consideration. The recipient must accept a commitment to become involved with the Family and Friends Organization as a volunteer-liaison with parents of students.

Florence S. Gondek Memorial Scholarship

An endowed scholarship awarded annually by the Gondek families, it honors the memory of Florence S. Gondek, beloved wife of John Gondek, a long-time friend of Holy Family. The award is based on merit and need and recognizes loyalty to the University and potential for success.

Frances P. Mulherin ’71 Endowed Scholarship

The University will award the scholarship annually on the basis of financial need, as determined by the University’s Financial Aid Office, to a student majoring in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)-related program. The scholarship will be awarded to the recipient beginning in their sophomore year, and will continue to be awarded in subsequent years provided they remain in good academic standing.

Francis T. Markiewicz Memorial Scholarship

The endowed scholarship was established in memory of Francis T. Markiewicz, beloved brother of Theresa M. Krawiec. The award is based on academic merit and financial need and recognizes loyalty to the University and potential for success.

Friend of the University Scholarship

Established in 2010, this endowed scholarship is awarded to a full-time, undergraduate student with a 3.0 grade point average or above on the basis of a strong work ethic and potential for success, service and caring for others, and financial need.

Gerardine Colgan Endowed Scholarship

The scholarship was established by Dennis Colgan to honor his wife, Gerry, by assisting undergraduate students in need and of promise. Evidence of the ability to do college-level work is required. It aims to discover a vision of excellence and achievement in the students’ lives, and those whom others recognize as having the potential for success.

James F. Higgins Annual Scholarship

The scholarship is awarded annually to one or more students who are majoring in Accounting; have achieved a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better; have demonstrated Holy Family’s mission and core values, and have financial need.

Janet V. Mackiewicz ’99, M’09, ’14 Endowed Scholar-Athlete Award

The scholarship is awarded annually to athletes, selected by the Department of Athletics, from each grade level, with the highest GPA. This award also recognizes and encourages athletes who balance athletic responsibilities with university studies. An additional qualification for the Senior is that, without interruption, they will continue degree studies at Holy Family.

Janet V. Mackiewicz ’99, M’09, ’14 Endowed Scholarship

The scholarship encourages and supports a values-oriented Senior or graduate student of good character, with an inspiring gift for learning. This scholarship is strictly available for immigrants or first- or second-generation descendants of immigrants, U.S. citizens or not. They realize that university studies are a unique opportunity to become as knowledgeable, wise, and competent as possible about one’s future contributions to our community, country, and world. Janet is a grandchild of both maternal and fraternal immigrants from Poland.

Jaye Grochowski Scholarship

The endowed scholarship was established in 1992 by the late Emanuel S. Kardon in honor of his secretary of 25 years, Jaye Grochowski, and is awarded annually. It recognizes academic merit and financial need as well as the qualities of character for which Jaye Grochowski is known: loyalty, dedication, service, caring, and commitment to Judeo-Christian values.

John and Mary Szczepanik Machowski Scholarship

The endowed scholarship, established by their now deceased son, Casimir J. Machowski, is awarded to a student who values the freedoms of a citizen of the United States and lives them responsibly. In particular, attention is given to those who by their actions demonstrate the values of religious freedom, political involvement, or education.

John J. Barclay Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship honors the memory of John Barclay, controller and School of Business Administration faculty member at Holy Family from 1984 to 1989. Established by his family, it is awarded on merit and need to a student majoring in Business and earning a grade point average of at least 3.0. The award varies in amount and is given annually to a student(s) exemplifying the qualities for which John Barclay will be remembered: integrity, loyalty, caring and dedication.

Jozef and Bronislawa Markiewicz Scholarship

Awarded for the first time in 1991, the scholarship was established in memory of Jozef and Bronislawa Markiewicz by their children. An endowed scholarship, it recognizes the importance of education and the priority placed on it, even at great sacrifice, as demonstrated by the Markiewicz’s sacrifice for their children’s education. It is awarded to a serious student, qualified on the basis of both scholastic ability and financial need.

The Lawrence and Adrienne Riley Endowed Scholarship

The University will award the scholarship annually with the purpose of promoting greater interest in History by providing financial support to a student majoring in History or History/Social Studies/Secondary Education Certification and who demonstrates financial need, as determined by the University’s Financial Aid Office, beginning in their freshman year.

The scholarship will be awarded to the same recipient in subsequent years providing the recipient remains in good academic standing.

Leona and Elvin Patterson Memorial Scholarship

Established by Sister M. Rita Partyka, CSFN, ’65 in memory of her sister, the scholarship recognizes a non-traditional female student, whose college/university career was delayed by personal obligations involving humanitarian care.

Linda Gallagher Nursing Excellence Award

The family, colleagues, and friends of Linda Gallagher established this scholarship to honor her commitment to teaching and the principles which she exemplified as a faculty member in the School of Nursing. It is awarded to a student majoring in Nursing who exemplifies leadership, professionalism and a spirit of service.

Marion Ahrens Von Rosenstiel Scholarship

The family and friends of Marion Ahrens Von Rosenstiel established this memorial scholarship to honor her life’s commitment to teaching and the principles to which she dedicated her creative energies as a member of the English Department from 1964 to 1987. It is awarded to a Junior majoring in English or Communications and is based on academic merit and scholastic promise. It is given only when the English and Communications faculty recommends an exceptional student.

Nadijcka-Higgins Endowed Scholarship

Established by Brenda Nadijcka-Higgins ’73 and Brian Higgins, the scholarship will be awarded annually with the purpose of providing support to a student enrolled in the School of Arts & Sciences who demonstrates financial need, as determined by the University’s Financial Aid Office, beginning in their freshman year. It will be awarded to the same recipient in subsequent years providing the recipient remains in good academic standing.

Nancy Goehl Kochanski ’69 Memorial Endowed Scholarship

The scholarship will be awarded annually on the basis of financial need, as determined by the University’s Financial Aid Office, with a preference for a student majoring in Mathematics or a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)-related program. The scholarship will be awarded to the recipient beginning in their sophomore year, and will continue to be awarded in subsequent years provided they remain in good academic standing.

New Courtland Endowed Scholarship

The scholarship will be awarded annually with the purpose of providing financial support to a student from the City of Philadelphia who demonstrates financial need, as determined by the University’s Financial Aid Office, beginning in their freshman year. It will be awarded to the same recipient in subsequent years providing the recipient remains in good academic standing.

Ray and Mildred Taylor Award

Established in 1991 by Carol Taylor ’75, a former School of Nursing faculty member, in honor of her parents, the fund provides support to faculty who have completed at least two years of full-time teaching at Holy Family with priority given to those projects that advance faculty research and scholarship.

Robert F. McKeon Memorial Scholarship in Communications

The endowed scholarship was established in memory of Robert F. McKeon by his cousin, Walter H. McKeon. It is awarded to a Junior or Senior English or Communications major who plans a career in journalism or related fields on the basis of merit, need, and potential for success.

Samuel and Edith Veitz Endowed Memorial Co-op Education Scholarship

Established by family and friends, the scholarship honors Samuel and Edith Veitz, parents of Sister M. Frances Veitz, CSFN, ’62, EdD. It is awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need to a co-op or internship student who has successfully completed at least one semester at a work-site related to his/her academic major.

Sandra Michael Endowed Scholarship for Scholar-Athletes

The scholar-athlete recipient will be a talented, organized, and disciplined student who knows that to excel in sports as well as studies one has to make sacrifices and use time and energy wisely. The award encourages students who are achieving the goal of being well-rounded students and recognizes them as models for their teammates. It is awarded to a full-time student who has displayed superior performance in one or more sports, and who has excelled academically.

Sister Florianne Zacharewicz, CSFN, PhD Scholarship

An endowed scholarship, the award provides partial tuition to a full-time undergraduate Senior who is majoring in Psychology. It is awarded to students on the basis of academic achievement with a 3.5 GPA and participation in scholarly or service activities in Psychology, especially activities on campus related to the profession.

Sister Frances Veitz, CSFN, ’62, EdD Internship/Cooperative Education Scholarship

Formerly known as The Sister Frances Veitz Award, the scholarship will be awarded on the basis of:

  • Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the Mission and Core Values of the University through actions, activities, communication with others, community service, and intentionality.
  • Are set to represent the University community after graduation in the job market in a positive light.
  • Have participated and attended in various professional development opportunities; career fairs, workshops, employer panels, etc.
  • Recipients will be a Junior, in good academic standing, who will receive the scholarship in their Senior year.
  • Recipients will be recommended by the Director of Experiential Learning.

Sister Francesca Onley, CSFN, ’59, PhD Endowed Scholarship

Alumni and friends established this endowed scholarship on the occasion of Sister Francesca’s 25th anniversary as president of Holy Family. The scholarship is awarded at the prerogative of the University president and are restricted to first-time, full-time freshmen.

Sister Lillian Budny, CSFN, PhD Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship was established in memory of Sister Lillian Budny, CSFN, PhD, the third president (1971-1981) and professor of biology (1959 to 1979) at Holy Family. This non-renewable scholarship is awarded to a graduating high school Senior on the basis of academic merit, good character, scholastic promise, and financial need.

Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in America Merit Scholarship

The scholarship is awarded to a student of outstanding academic achievement, who is involved on campus and has significant need. Its purpose is to recognize, encourage and assist gifted students who persevere in their studies amidst financial and other challenges. It was established on the 125th Anniversary of the Congregation’s presence in America in 2010 and funded by the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth – USA, Inc., on behalf of all of the Sisters serving in America. Requests for consideration, while accepted at any time are only reviewed in the spring, should be addressed to the University president.

Southampton Window Cleaning and Janitorial Service Scholarship

The scholarship was established at Holy Family in 2006 by the firm’s owners, the Geib Family, to provide recognition and encouragement and to assist a deserving student who maintains average or above average grades (2.5 GPA or above) and has shown perseverance and resourcefulness in meeting their responsibilities.

Stanislaus J. Markiewicz Memorial Scholarship

The endowed scholarship was established in memory of Stanislaus J. Markiewicz, beloved brother of Theresa M. Krawiec. It is awarded based on academic merit and financial need and recognizes loyalty to the University and potential for success.

Stanley and Regina Gwiazda Endowed Scholarship

The endowed scholarship was established in 2008 by Marianne G. Bradley, in memory of her parents, Mr. Stanley J. and Regina R. Gwiazda. Mr. Gwiazda served Holy Family and its students as an academic advisor for many years. The selection of this scholarship’s recipient is based on a combination of merit and financial need.

Stephen Zalewski Memorial Scholarship

Established by Sister Aloysius Sabacinska, CSFN, PhD, and her family, the endowed scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic merit, financial need, loyalty to Holy Family, and potential for success. Sister Aloysius served as the second president of the University (1959-1971), and continued to serve as Records Assistant and Data Entry Specialist in Continuing Education from 1984 until she retired in 2002. The award honors the memory of her beloved brother-in-law, Stephen.

Dr. Susan Nowak Memorial Science and Math Scholarship

The Dr. Susan Nowak Memorial Science and Math Scholarship is awarded annually to one or more students at Holy Family University who have excelled in mathematics and/or the sciences and have demonstrated financial need. A group of alumni , many of whom studied together and motivated each other to succeed during their time at Holy Family University, created this scholarship to honor the memory of a very special friend, classmate, leader and mentor, Dr. Susan Nowak. These alumni also annually fund the scholarship in eternal gratitude for the unyielding guidance, encouragement, and passion they received from Holy Family University faculty, particularly Dr. Lynda Micikas, Sister Grace Kuzawa, Mr. George Haynes, Dr. Thomas McCormick and Dr. Arthur Grugan.

United Political Club Scholarship

An endowed scholarship, the award was first awarded in 1992, and thereafter annually to a Holy Family student who is of Polish descent (the son or daughter of either mother or father of Polish lineage/background). Awards are made on the basis of need and merit.